This lilac office looks girly. There's an assortment of odd little objects on the shelf, what looks like a doll of a nun, a thumb harp, a lipstick, and a dolls house television. There seems to be a small sofa in the room with a fluffy pink throw on and cushions. It looks like a place to get comfortable and read maybe. In the traditional cast iron fireplace there are what looks like blue plastic flowers and work spread out on the rug. The desk looks quite small and old fashioned, though the chair looks modern and big. Interestingly, though the room is far from minimalist or sparse the desk area itself doesn't look too messy. Notebooks, a book trough, a small box with buttons inlaid into the lid and what looks like cards of some kind. The pictures above the desk are black and white, Man Ray poster of two women in an embrace and 2 small postcards in frames. I'd say this writer is interested in women, so this may be what they write about. The pictures seem to be of a dress and the other one is a line drawing of trees.
What the writer says is: 'The pictures make my room look a lot tidier than it is, behind the door is the wall of the bookshelf, scraps of paper, print outs and magnets, for some reason a Halloween mask. I sit on the sofa reading under the blanket or taking notes. Behind the sofa are a few bags of fabric and bits of paper. There's a fabric thing on the sofa I keep mean to get round to hanging on the wall. I used to have a desk from Ikea that was much bigger and more useful, it was always covered with paper and bits and pieces like sheriff badges. I saw this old desk and decided it was a new start, it's so small I have to keep it tidier. I keep thinking I should have less tat and have a grown up room, but weird little objects keep working their way back in. Pens shaped like lipstick, tacky little chalet jewelry boxes with paper clips in, wooden figures shaped like Geisha or nurses, an old ink well and a feather. For some reason there's a tin of varnish on my bookshelf, I have no idea why. There's also a packet of dried soup.'
The room may seem to indicate an immature writer, or perhaps one who is just young at heart. The downsizing of the desk though and the fact the clutter is hidden away may indicate another side to the writer, a willingness to create and play, but a clearer space to sit and write, so there may be some discipline here the writer downplays. This looks like a designated space to create, an inner child playground, which may be why odd little objects keep working their way back into the room. The writer seems to say they want to be neater, but the fact they got rid of an Ikea desk for an old one they just liked seems to portray an acceptance on some level that they may just not have a creative process that can be stored in a modular Ikea way .
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