Tuesday, 11 May 2010

writer's room 8

The main feature of this little writing area seems to be the window. We get the feeling this writer often looks up and out. They place their creativity in front of the window and wait for the changes in the light to make it grow. The old photos attached to the monitor look important and motivational. I'm wondering if this is someone who needs a touchstone to boost their confidence and motivate them when working. It was hard to guess if this was the space of a male or female writer. There is a little china bowl or cup on the window and some sort of little pot, beads of some kind?

The writer says: I have to have fresh air, and I have to be able to see green things growing. The wooden blind is out of shot but bumblebees love it and think it's some kind of hidey hole in the summer. I'm always having to coax them back outside. The top photo on the monitor is me as a baby with my sister (she was 13 when I was born), she was always really encouraging (as well as organised!) and it inspires me to keep going when I don't feel like it because she always did.

The bottom one is of my great grandma. She's sitting in her cottage garden stitching a blanket. I never knew her but by all accounts she was a lovely elegant lady who I have always felt oddly close to. I love the pic. The garden is full of hollyhocks, lupins, foxgloves and delphiniums.

The books in the window are Virginia Woolf. The little china teacup has a Russian cupola design. The rest is associated clutter.

I think the most important things for me are light and fresh air, and to know that I've got people who have gone before sitting on my shoulder telling me to keep going. '

This was a lovely quote. There seemed to be something very spiritual and sensitive about the writer. They don't seem scared of bees, but seem to be quite at one with nature. They sound like they are looking out at the fox gloves, then looking at the picture of a grandma stitching a blanket in a garden and letting their imagination wander into the picture.

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